Friday, March 14, 2008

Does She Care About The Party?

Many have asked why I haven't written much in the last month...or at all. The simple answer is that I am lazy. But, how could I pass on writing more about this historical election and why one person seems determined to ruin the Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton is in a lose lose situation. She either loses her battle to become the Democratic nominee for President, or she convinces the "Super Delegates" that she is the better candidate, even though Obama has won more states, votes and delegates. Hillary did not make the nominating rules, but whoever the Democrats were that came up with the idea of having over 800 Super delegates were idiots. I guess they never expected to have two popular candidates within the party running...I mean having ONE is a BIG DEAL.

While Hillary didn't make the rules, she should know a bad one when she sees it. A person who wants to be President, who wants to be a leader, should be able to spot a rule that is unfair and wrong. She claims to have experience and to fix Washington, but can't even accept that Democratic Party rules are horrible. Simply, if the voters of the party do not want Hillary, then Hillary should not use a bad rule to circumvent those voters to become the nominee. If she somehow accomplishes this (I doubt she will), the Democrats will certainly lose the Presidential election and probably seats in Congress. Why should voters elect someone representing a party that ignores the wishes of the voters?

It is pretty much impossible for Hillary to win without the super delegates, now. Sometimes, though, being a leader means you sacrifice yourself for the greater cause. If the voters have chosen another candidate, you must accept that and move on, no matter how much you want the position. I blame this problem on Al Gore. I know many believe he was the rightful winner. Maybe he was. But, he should have learned from previous politicians and accepted the loss and move on. Instead he fought it. I know that 500+ vote difference is grounds to challenge, especially for President, but now everyone contests every election, even when it's not as close as the 2000 election. If this comes down to the super delegates and Hillary loses, she will probably sue, because she is not a leader. She only wants to be President to make history and to be the most powerful person in America. If she were a real leader right now, she would accept her defeat for the good of her party and the voters and move aside. But, Hillary wants to have power, not be a leader. This is why she is the worst candidate for President. Why don't Democrats see that? Well, they did pick Kerry for President in 2004, so I guess we can't expect much common sense from them.