Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Your Candidates Are....Are They?

Well, according to CNN last night the Democratic Candidate for President is Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney. I about threw up. If these two end up being our candidates, than I have lost faith in the American voter. One, I could maybe handle, but these two are just two political saps that say and do whatever it takes to win. I mean, Hillary moved to NY because it was her best shot to get into the Senate. Mitt changes his mind daily...would love to have him in control of the nukes.

However, the most troubling about all of this isn't the actual election, but the election coverage, especially on CNN. I really wish another cable news network would come along that had competent reporters and was not so blatantly biased. Fox News is a joke and really, so is CNN. I watched CNN last night and they were talking about how this win was huge for Mitt and really caused problems for everyone else, including McCain, because he is out of money. Did I miss something? CNN said it was huge, when Huckabee won, then McCain, and now Romney...and none of these wins were that big of a surprise, least of all the one last night. Romney had been leading many of the polls up to the election, and his family is very big in that state. Yet, the CNN drama queens were all in a lather about this "comeback". Come on, report the news, give some analysis, but make it sane.

Also, they are calling South Carolina must wins for Obama and McCain. Another joke. While, if they win, they will prove they are sticking around for a while and gives them an even better shot to win it all, I mean, that is the win, but the true test will be Super Tuesday. This year is not like other years, for so many reasons, none of which CNN can accurately get out. But, basically you have a lot of candidates on both sides, no true front runner on either side (you could argue Hillary) before the primaries started, and there is a war and a crappy economy. This just spells out insane election. Plus, look at college football this year and how crazy that was...we should have known this was coming (I am practicing for my CNN audition). So this means wins alone will not get you the nomination, but it may be the delegate count.

Michigan did not even count for the Democrats, because like Florida, they moved their elections up to a date that Dr. Death errr I mean Dean did not like. So Hillary's win is meaningless, there are no delegates being awarded. That means Obama won 1 (Hillary came in third) and Hillary won 1 (Obama second). As for the Republicans: Huckabee, McCain and Romney have each won a primary or caucus. This is a dead heat and nobody knows who will win the next round (CNN has gotten about every prediction wrong). I really wish there was news coverage that wasn't so biased or so ridiculous. If you want a real analysis, just keep reading what I say (even though I have absolutely no reporters or inside information). At least, I will make some stuff up that is somewhat believable.

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