So, whenever I hear Obama talk, I want to stand up and cheer and say bring back the 1960s and Camelot. I BELIEVE he is going to change things. How is he going to change them...I don't know, but it sounds good. I guess less fighting? I think to myself, finally a President who sounds intelligent when he talks. Then I slap myself and listen to what he is actually saying. I quickly realize that he is brainwashing me and so many other Americans into accepting something that is wrong, untrue, or simply will not work in America. I look around and see everyone buying into it. I instantly feel like I'm in some Stanley Kubrick movie and cannot get out.
Today, Obama told a crowd in North Carolina that when he is elected, he would tax the oil company's for their windfall profits. The crowd cheered. Yeah, that sounds good in theory, right? They make so much, and gas is so expensive, we should blame the oil companies for stealing money from our pockets. Maybe the oil companies should have invested more on oil research over the years. Or, maybe oil was so cheap the past fifteen or twenty years, that they didn't have the profits to invest...until now. Unfortunately, investing takes time. While it hurts being addicted to oil like crack, taxing windfall profits will not cure the addiction, like taxing heroin will not suddenly cure drug addicts. Instead you will only hand money over to the government, to waste in some pork barrel earmark for a bridge to nowhere.
The only way things will get better with oil in the LONG TERM, is by developing alternatives. This can ONLY happen when oil is expensive, forcing people to change habits and creating potential profits for other businesses to develop anything cheaper than oil to run a car. It will hurt for a while, possibly a long while, but eventually things will change. To help relieve the pain, Americans should buy smaller more fuel efficient cars, move closer to where they work, take fewer trips, and walk/ride bikes more (also solving the obesity problem). TAXING people who are legally making money does nothing but give politicians in Washington more money to waste. It will not create lower gas prices, but instead raise them. HOW, you might ask? Because then the oil companies have LESS profits to reinvest. LESS profits to find more oil. LESS profits to develop alternative fuels. Instead they will KEEP their profits up to the "windfall" tax and tell the American Government to go f-off and good luck finding the solutions to high gas prices. The oil TAX will not go to developing alternative fuels just like social security taxes don't go to social security.
It always sounds great when someone running for office says...I am going to give you more money for free, increase services for free, free lap dances for single men, free cars, free education, free free free. NOTHING is free. It comes at someones expense. While its easy to say, TAX THE RICH and demonize the rich...ever sit back and ask is that fair? What have rich people ever done to you, except give you a job and your paychecks? If you go out and work hard to make a living, is it fair for someone else to come and say "I make less than you doing my job, so you need to give me some of your money that you worked hard for"? Most people that are RICH worked very hard to get to that point. The men and women who work for oil companies, that work in the oil industry work very hard, whether they are blue collar or white collar. The men and women who invest in these companies, who risk their own hard earned money, many of it in retirement 401ks, so we can have gas to fill up or tanks...they deserve a return on their investment...a return on their risk. They deserve to retire. They DO NOT deserve Obama coming in, stealing their money and giving it to BIG Government.
Obama's slogans always involve change. There is no real change in his ideas, though. He just wants to change the presidency from a so called "conservative" President to a "liberal" President. Well, I believe in hard work and getting paid for doing the hard work...not government hand outs and not government stealing from my own pockets. It appears that Obama's talk of change are lies at worst, misleading at best. His "changes" will just make Congress and politics more partisan. Let's hope he finds his way to the center fast! Otherwise, this election will be easy.
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