Friday, October 12, 2007

Evil, Insane or Both?

Ann Coulter is at it again, and she honestly gives all Christians and Republicans a bad name. Recently, she said that Jews needed to be "perfected". While I think that Ann likes to see her name in the paper, no matter how it gets there...I do think she believes a lot of what she says. If she doesn't believe it, she is more pathetic than I originally thought. But, for now, I think she is pure evil.
The thing is, I think lots of people are evil in their own way. For instance, I think Hillary Clinton gives out death stares. I believe electricity could flow from her eyes and hands, like in Star Wars, if she had to use it and it wouldn't cost her the White House. She may have even used her death stare on people before (See Whitewater). However, Hillary keeps the evil power in check. Ann, scares me, because if she ever got any real power, she could be the female version of Hitler. I know I am not the first to compare her to that man, but her latest comment proves that she is either one of the most evil people alive (See Hitler, Stalin) or one of the biggest idiots.
What scares me though, isn't so much about Ann, because one day she will get whats coming to her or just go away, but that there are many other Americans that think like she does. They hate others for being different than them. I question, how did they become this way? Was it their parents, their towns, or is it in their genetics? While we live in a society constantly on high alert for terrorism, we have our own "home grown" terrorists living right. They are the Ann Coulters of America and they hate because you aren't like them.
While she and they, do not use explosive materials getting their point across (at least not yet or very often) like most terrorists...they use explosive language that can do just as much damage to the individual and society as a whole. As a kid, I honestly thought the Ann Coulter's of the world existed only in a history book. It's sad that she proves to everyone, that evil is alive and well and prospering in America. And, while we will always have to live with evil in this world, its a shame that she associates herself with a religion and political party. Ann is NOT a Christian, because no true Christian would harbor such hate. Ann is no Republican, because no true Republican would hate their fellow citizen so much. Ann shows that she is no better than the Islamic terrorists. Hopefully, one day, she will either change her ways or go away, because I'm tired of listening.

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