Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Time

So today officially starts off the 2008 Presidential Campaign. This has been an interesting presidential campaign already, since it feels like election season never stopped from 2006. But, for the first time in decades, we have both parties with no heir apparent. So, with such a wide open race, the Political Pig has decided to endorse a candidate from each party. Now, this is big. This endorsement will probably get the biggest press coverage of any endorsement yet, and will probably choose the next presidential candidates. So with that, here goes.

Democratic Party. Barack Obama.

I have chosen Barack, because he will work with both political parties to get things done. Senator Obama has consistently said the two parties need to work together, and he has shown this in the Senate. I will recognize that Senator Clinton is very similar here, often working with Republicans. The biggest difference is most Republicans hate Senator Clinton and President Clinton. Senator Clinton, if elected, would become just as polarizing as President Bush, and we would endure another 4 years of nuclear winter. I disagree with many of Senator Obama's policy points, however, which is a major negative. But, I think once he wins the Democratic primary, he will move more towards the middle on domestic policy issues, and bring balance to foreign issues, leaving behind the neoconservative movement. I am against Senator Edwards because he is too anti-business. I agree that taxes should be lower for the middle-class...heck I think every class, because we have too much spending right now, but business is what keeps this country going. Attacking businesses for making money and rich people for being smart with their money is just plain stupid. His campaign is reckless and is too one issue oriented. The other candidates are a joke and need to get out of the race.

Republican Party. John McCain.

I am not going to lie, I wanted John McCain eight years ago against Bush. He would have been great. It was disappointing to see Senator McCain stumble so badly earlier in 2007, especially since he was the front runner. That opened the door for Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and eventually Mike Huckabee. I am against Giuliani, while he is my second favorite Republican Party candidate, because he has so many personal problems. While I share the most political views with him, I think it is pretty bad when children hate their father. Governor Romney is a joke and I am not sure why people care for him. In 2004 everyone called Senator Kerry the flip flopper. Well, Romeny is the definition of flip flopper and in the worst way. Why people like him, well I guess people have liked all sorts of jokes and idiot throughout history. Mike Huckabee seems like a nice guy, and has a positive message like Obama. But, the major negative for Huckabee is he brings religion into politics. I am sorry, but religion belongs in church and community groups. Politics deals with foreign affairs, spending, taxes and the overall economy. If you need more church, go to church more often. That leaves Senator McCain, who has extensive Senate experience, has fought in combat, was a hero and does what he feels is right for America. Senator McCain often teams of with the Democratic Party, but is a true Republican...the kind that existed before the radical right took hold. Senator McCain often has the right approach to fixing problems, even if it won't go over well with his party or with voters. He is by far the best Republican for the job.

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