Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Not Enough Ballots?

Today is the first primary in the Nation...New Hampshire. I know all one of my readers have been waiting eagerly all day for my account on this primary. But, I want to talk about something other than the candidates. I read that voting locations are running out of ballots, because of the unusually warm weather and the appeal of the "change" candidates. Too Many Voters!!!! What?!? Run out of ballots??? Isn't this America, not Pakistan or Venezuela?

Nothing is more ridiculous during an election than not having enough ballots. Some may say, this is why we need electronic voting (maybe) or the death of a democracy...INTERNET VOTING (I will save my hate for the idea of Internet voting for another post). But, regardless of what type of balloting is used, there should always be enough. If there are 40,000 registered voters in a political district, then there needs to be 40,000 ballots printed. I don't care if only 6% of the people showed up for the last special commissioner race. It is possible that something could happen to force 15% or 30% or 80% the next time. No one can predict this. What is the reason for not printing up the large amount of ballots.? Well, saving the trees is not the first response given I bet, but rather saving money. So, government saving money trumps a person's state right to vote (there is no federal constitutional right to vote)? When did government care about how much something cost? There should never be one ballot less than the number of registered voters, period.

As for the primary, if Obama wins...it would take something huge to get Hillary back up as the front runner. Remember, Howard Dean was the Hillary of 2004 until the scream. It doesn't take much to destroy the leading candidate. On the Republican side, it will be a shoot out, but I think McCain will pull it off, if all the independents don't vote for Obama. If Romney wins, I have pity for the next few states up that have to deal with more political hate ads.

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