Friday, January 4, 2008

The Queen has been Shot

Queen Hillary (a.k.a. the Hildabeast) has been wounded. As many know, Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucuses last night. In some ways it was a surprise, but in many it wasn't. Huckabee had been leading for a couple weeks now, and does anyone that isn't a part of Romney's campaign actually love the guy? However, no one really knows what this win means for him. Will he jump in national polls and in the other crucial states?

Personally, I think the more interesting race is on the Democratic side. Why? Well for one, I think all of their candidates drink alcohol at their victory celebrations. More importantly, I think its interesting because the Queen has been the "front runner" since 2006 and just placed THIRD. Not a close second, but a close THIRD to John Edwards. I don't care how strong the Clintons are, that has got to sting a lot. The Queen is injured, but will she bleed out? Second, I find the Democrats with a little more passion. Republicans by nature are a little boring...since many want America to be the black and white 1950s version. But, I like Republicans on some very boring issues, mainly the economy and smaller government (unfortunately they haven't been pro-small government in quite a few years).

I watched the all the speeches last night, but Romney's losing speech. I know there was the Orange Bowl, but come on, Kansas and Va Tech? Va Tech chokes almost every big game, and I am surprised they even won the ACC championship to play in the Orange Bowl. I had no interest in seeing the Big 12 losers vs. the ACC champion (who are losers*). There was a much closer game in Iowa. Back to the speeches. If you haven't seen them, go watch Huckabee's and Obama's and I think you can see why they won and what America wants this year (or at least in that state) from their next President. I wish McCain had run there, but he was too busy spending all his campaign money on blow the first part of the year (only kidding, I think...remember he is my Republican pick).

The message is clear, Americans want the next President to unite the country, place party politics behind them and find ways to work with everyone to make a better America. I still think McCain is the best on the Republican side and Obama is the best on the Democratic team. If you want to see a good speech, go check out Obama's on youtube. It was powerful. The Political Pig is really hoping the parties do the right thing and pick two awesome candidates with McCain and Obama. We can mourn for the Queen another day.

*Losers in football

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